I am particularly so happy for the Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences for the large number of songs submitted by the Members of the Academy.
Hey, 9400 songs is not an small number....considering 2012 whereas 6400 songs were submitted.
The most important question the general public and the Members of the Latin recording Academy should ask is : are the Latin Grammy's about "quality" or "quantity" ?
As I have previously stated Do you think, in all honesty, that the Members of the Academy have enough time to listen and evaluate all of the songs submitted? Or do Academy members vote based on friendship, exchange of votes, influences, monetary incentives (voting pool) or kickbacks? The Members of the Academy should vote for the merits of the songs! http://latin-grammy.blogspot.com/
Nowadays & always, time is an important aspect of everyone's life, and that is why I raise the question of
"honesty" and "fairness" during the evaluation of songs competing in the Awards.
For example, for the sake of discussion, there are 131,487 minutes in a 4-month period; that a third of a day
(8 hours) are dedicated to sleep, 8-hrs for work, and 8-hrs for leisure; that 58,438 minutes are dedicated
to sleep, 58,438 minutes for work and 58,438 minutes for leisure; and assuming the Members are given
a period of approximately 2-weeks to evaluate the songs, then, their time required to listen to music would be approximately 80 % of their time off. Under these circumstances, it would be impossible for Members of the Academy of Recording Arts to listen to all the submitted songs. I can see Mr Gabriel Abaroa gets very excited about the number of songs submitted (this year 9400), but I would be ashamed because I will have no answer for...Mr. Abaroa, do Members listen to all the songs submitted ?
An interesting article w.eluniversal.com/arte-y-entretenimiento/121114/gabriel-abaroa-jr-los-premios-grammy-no-se-compran , demonstrates that Mexico is the country that has won most of the Latin Grammy
Awards; again this year most of the nominees are Mexican !
As a friend of mine used to say "you do not buy them...you rent them...!
Until the Academy does not change the way they select and evaluate the songs, it will continue to be an unfair Award show !