Saturday, September 13, 2014

The 15th Latin Grammy Award Upcoming Nominations : another fairy tale?

Certainly, the nominations to the 15th Annual Latin Grammy Award show are around the corner.
What can we expect from the Latin Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences ( LARAS) voting process ?  Would the voting process be a fair one, or are they going to fall into the same bull shit as previous years ?
For sure, Mr . Gabriel Abaroa, President of the Academy most likely knows who are the nominees and probably the winners.
Lets not forget Mr Abaroa's dealings within the Academy and the music industry are somewhat obscure; Lets not forget he owns Wireless Latin Entertainment (WILAEN) , a private company that deals with music download.

Even though his name appears in the above State of Florida Corporation database, subsequent amendment show his name was deleted. This occurred after he was exposed !
Lets not forget that most, if not all of the artists presenting and performing in the Latin Grammys were featured in his WILAEN page.

Lets not forget that for the 15th Annual Show, members of the Academy , in order to make the Awards "fair and truthworthy", should have listen to over 11,000 songs;  Time to work, sleep and do the usual necessities are not possible when you have to listen to all those songs in order to give an honest vote.

For sure, the pre-Latin Grammy shows , will include the "usual suspects"....among others are Bisbal and Devita, and obviously Mr. Abaroa would not "dare" to leave out mediocre Juanes.

I see LARAS as an organization with lack of enthusiasm. The only time there is some activity is the time  preceding the Latin Grammy Award show. Most of the members of the Academy does not care about the voting process. That is why Mr Abaroa never publish the voting statistics. It would be interesting to see: what percent of all the  Members vote, geographic voting (countries) and voting by individual categories.

It is time to think about innovative, alternative ways to improve  the voting process. Maybe the Academy should have a website where the Members can listen to a portion of a song blindly. Meaning that the song will not have the names of the artists, composers, producers. In this fashion,
voting will be an honest way to judge a song without the influence of friendship, kickbacks or favors.
Kickbacks, favors, exchange of votes, and voting pools are common denominators within the Academy.

It is time to make progress and advance. Lets remember that LARAS still has a long way to go.

Mr Abaroa wake up !!!

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